Upgrading role of editor – Content marketing and lead generation

content marketing

Our editor of Narisakti and Sukaone has a penchant for writing. Keyword research and simplicity are her strengths. Writers throughout time remain stubborn to the core do not want distractions. But today is the time of digital publishing and a writer no longer recluse from the big bad world of content marketing.

Present status

Our editor has a small and tight social circle of friends and relatives. Immediate family members are engineers, which does not help a literature grad. Writing is a creative art. Writers need breaks in between keyword research and writing articles. Yes, it is more taxing than manual labour. Content marketing on the other hand is just following a series of steps like a work flow. A creative person cannot be methodical at the same time. However as a part of Team Narisakti, we believe that editor needs a bit more aura. This can be done with content marketing and lead generation.

What is content marketing

In the simplest terms, Content marketing is identifying what your audience wants to read and delivering the content to them. You can narrow down audience and then choices of topics till you can focus of core. There after content marketing is about finding out ways to delivery your content to the audience. In case you are working for a client, studying the business model of the brand will help you to narrow down the audience. This will also help you to explain the client on how to achieve focus.

Like for example, an activity center need to reach the parents to inform them about the upcoming courses which are scheduled to begin in next one month. On the other hand, a coaching center has to do the same thing just once a year. Both are on the lookout for new parents and students. They have to keep in view that students will be coming from a limited geographical area.

What is lead generation?

The process of getting clients for any business is called lead generation. A lead is any person who shows interest in your product or service. A person walks into an automobile showroom and is shown the lineup. The person leaves without making any decision but fills up a survey form. The next day when a representative of the company calls up this person, the process is called lead generation. It is non intrusive because the person is not surprised by the phone call. It is almost that the person is expecting it. But today, with all the digital communication means, it is almost impossible to do a non intrusive lead generation. There is a thin line between making and losing a client. So with the tough competition around, it is considered OK to approach a prospective client directly. Social media platform allow direct access to a client. In the world of Facebook it is as if the customer wants the service provider to make contact.

Understanding Sukaone and Narisakti

Who are the audience for narisakti and who are the clients

Narisakti features the following content on its website.

  • General purpose articles covering awareness about issues relevant in today’s world
  • Interview with achievers
  • Business ideas that make entrepreneurs
  • Guest post written by women achievers (organic as well as sponsored)
  • Brand promotion (organic but mostly sponsored)

Lead generation strategy for Narisakti will entail searching for women entrepreneurs who are ready to feature in interviews. This provides us with an opening for further requirements of paid promotion in the form of articles, YouTube videos or social media promotion. Services like digital marketing, online presence or digital assistant services can also be provided. Sukaone is also into WordPress website hosting and development.

Changes needed to online presence of Editor

Facebook Personal Profile

A Facebook profile is effective in connecting the right audience. Sharing article link in your time line and FB stories will help inform your friends about new content. Connect with readers, writers, publishing houses (they are mostly snobbish dinosaurs) and everyone who is connected with the world of books and reading. Facebook is also the place where you can connect with entrepreneurs, business persons, brand managers and so on. Unfortunately, most popular social media network is also the most haziest. Fake profile, pervs masquerading, it is all there on Facebook. Do not send friend requests at a rapid pace as you will face with a ban. If you are posting links to articles on your personal profile, make sure the post is public (privacy settings set visible to all).

your social circle should be loyal readers…

Instagram Profile – Personal, Creator or Business

Everyone creates a personal Instagram profile. Most keep it private. This is a killer feature of the world’s most popular photo sharing app. Instagram has far too many safety features than Facebook. You can chose any type of account and privacy settings. Instagram brand or business accounts are handled directly by the owners. A DM will get a response from a decision maker.

Instagram DM is the best way to connect. Be direct but brief and courteous. It is better to dispense off with pleasantries like Good morning or Have a nice day sorts. The person who understand the concept of a website without any assistance will certainly have a hassle free working relationship in the future.

Be direct and brief. Remember you are dealing with someone who values time!

The final thoughts

Clients and connections are for life. Leads generated should be contacted from time to time and article links shared. Any new offer or technology should be explained via the Sukaone platform. Clients can also be retained by providing services like digital assistant and dedicated accounts manager. Website technical maintenance should be offered for a minimal amount to be paid yearly.

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