15th birthday of Google Maps

Google Maps

Google Maps began as a navigational tool in your smartphone which helps you to reach your destination. Today it has grown to an extent that it can influence us to change our destination. Google has recognized the future potential of Maps and brought in a slew of updates.

List of updates

  • Explore section is the default home screen for the app. It is divided in sections and tabs.
  • Commute is the navigation and direction section. It also has a detailed analysis on the frequent route you take to work.
  • Saved section has the biggest upgrade where you can make lists, make them public and share them.
  • Contribute tab is a way to say thanks to the army of Local Guides who feed the multitude of updates and information to Google.
  • Updates section is for your messages and treasure trove of information.

Explore nearby keeps lurking in the bottom as you move places on the map. It keeps updating in the background to show the best alternatives around. This is Google trying to play into your mind with enough suggestions to change your destination. For more details please read this article by the same author.


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